Saturday, November 2, 2013

Opportunity Galore

Once again, it's been a while since I've been here. But my life has been so hectic!

I'll say this for sure: there are changes galore going on, and even though chaos is really occurring quite a bit for me right now, I'm seeing it as the storm before the calm, so to speak. You know that saying, when things appear to be falling apart, they're probably really falling together? That's how I feel about my life right now. But goodness, so much to deal with!

I'm loving my job right now, no doubt. I'm working with an incredible teacher and we really seem to be a wonderful fit. He and I see things so much alike, and it's actually a joy to go to work right now. He's a huge team player and he really is making me a part of his team, bless him! What an amazing change from last year :-)

I'm having some pressure applied to me about paying rent to my parents. I must confess that I've been negligent with that, and yes, it's my fault. And part of the chaos in my life is that people are moving out from this house, and this will require me to bear the load of either most or all of the rent.

HOWEVER! There is a new income opportunity that I've become involved in: Empower Network. What a wonderful organization this is! I am so excited about it, because the aim of this organization IS literally to empower each of their members. The basic suggested activity is to blog with them every day, and I've been doing pretty well with that. Of course, there's more to this, and I am awash in different things to absorb and apply. LOADS of support in this organization; to be honest, it's actually overwhelming! I just need to sort things out and learn how to apply it all.

So this is how I'm seeing things. I have extra financial demands staring me in the face, and I also have the Empower Network. As far as I'm concerned, Empower will be my support through these temporary financial challenges--not just my support, but my method into prosperity and financial freedom! Yes, I've been involved in internet income opportunities before, and yes, I've not been able to make them work for me up to now, but Empower is so vastly different. Like I said before, the support is all over, and it would be crazy to not take advantage of it, especially with the situation I'm in right now.

The way I see it, this is my Life Theme for the time being: Up, Up, and AWAY!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Moving Along

Once again, long time.

Lots of stuff going on again.

No longer in a committed relationship, and somehow, I'm pretty much okay with it. I honestly feel like I'm moving on--to what, I couldn't tell you, but it feels like it's probably the next step in my life and that it's necessary to be done with the relationship stuff. Perhaps I'm not even meant to have a "significant other" any more, not for the rest of this life. That kind of bothers me, but then again, it is what it is.

Feeling like I need to look into some kind of alternative health modality and become a practitioner of it. I'm leaning towards herbology in a way, but definitely not 100%. I'm going to keep on looking at various websites and see what I'm drawn to.

Also feeling like I really need to get down to it with Jason. I'm feeling lots of pressure about that, especially from the girls. When I consider it, I'm thinking that perhaps this is the Universe telling me to get motivated, even though it may not be about putting him back into public school. It might be just about changes and moving along. Stagnation is not a good thing, after all. "The more things change, the more they stay the same." The girls seem to think that socialization is important for everyone, and I don't agree with that. I'm not saying that Jason is definitely meant for a solitary life; what I am saying is that we need to consider that he may be.

Summer break is done; I'm in school training right now, and the first day of school is coming up less than a week from now.

What is next? I don't know. I really feel like a whole lot of limbo is all around me, though.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Despite all the confusion in my life right now, I'm feeling and seeing evidence that order is starting to come out of it all. I'm really grateful for that. So, thank you to whoever or whatever it is that's helping me out!

Angels, I'm gonna ask here: Please help me to improve my financial situation, so that I have more stability in that area. Show me what to do and help me to have the motivation to get those things done.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Back to school in less than a week.

So much confusion right now. I would love to have more clarity.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Current Phase?

So apparently Angels are my "thing" for now. I spoke to them when I first got up this morning and even asked them last night, just before I went to sleep, to help me make these improvements/changes/whatever that need to be dealt with. I've felt connected to angels in the past; as a matter of fact, I'd read something that said it was good to name one's own guardian angel; I named mine Victory, because with him/her, I will achieve victory. Victory and I have been through quite a lot together!

Friday, August 2, 2013


Hello, Angels.

Well, as you know, I've felt led to confer with you lately. Now, I realize that all the stuff I'm getting ready to put here are things you already know. But as you also know, it's just helpful to me to spell things out, too. Perhaps it's therapeutic for me, in its own way.

Of course, money is the main issue for me. But I will say that it's looking like things may be improving in that area for me. I hope I'm right, because it would be helpful to have less stress in my life. Seems like when I have money issues, I get less loving in dealing with some people, especially with people who I see as the so-called cause of those problems. Mind you, I realize that I am the source of all things in my life--both wonderful and difficult--but somehow, I just am not finding it in me to resolve the difficulties. I'm not exactly sure why, but there you go.

Going along with that is my desire to get the training I need to be able to work at a better-paying job, not to mention helping Daryle when I get up there next year. That is so important to me. Maybe Odessa College is a good resource for that after all, but I'm just not sure. I'd love to do it through the internet, but I don't seem to be able to find a place that does such things. Whatever you can work out would be wonderful.

Another really big one is the house. I know there are so many things that need to be dealt with in this house and the property; I guess that they overwhelm me and I don't know what to do about them. The book I've been reading (The Angel Therapy Handbook by Doreen Virtue) suggests that I get with Jophi-el and ask for her assistance, so I can make my living space more beautiful. So okay, Jophi-el, I'm asking. Please help me to deal with this situation. I want to make it right, and I know I need some help. And thank you so much.

And then there's moving to Syracuse next year. This will definitely need some planning ahead, not to mention preparing the house (which I just mentioned, of course). I think it would be a really great idea to ship my table, my bookshelf, and my bench up to Syracuse ahead of time, and I need to find out how to do that. Mind you, that would depend on how things go in Syracuse. Daryle may be moving to another place before I get up there, and it wouldn't be logical for me to ship those items before he moves, if he does. So timing may be an important factor.

I'm not very happy about the health of my body right now. I need to get to a healthy weight, plus my eating habits aren't so great. I'm starting to feel stuff going on with my right knee, too, and Sandi's mother-in-law had mentioned this could be the beginning of some serious knee issues, to include knee replacement surgery. I'm not really interested in that, as you already know. I need some solutions to all this.

You probably noticed that I said something about how I start things but don't tend to stick with them. I don't know why that is, although it's quite possible that it's just a matter of those things not being right for me. Yeah, that could be true, but why do I feel right about them when I start? It's downright frustrating, and that's the truth. I need some really firm guidance about the best things for me to do for myself, and some strong motivation to stick with it. For example, the alkaline diet. I remember quite strongly how helpful that was for me, but yet now I just don't seem to have it in me to stay with it. I see it as self-sabotage, and I can understand why I would be in that place. I know you can help me to resolve that, and I thank you for it.

Okay, I guess that will do it for now. Thank you for giving me the courage to put this down in "black and white" (or whatever colors they'll turn out to be LOL). Yes, this definitely was therapeutic.

Just help me, okay?

PS--After I posted this, I noticed that the time for its posting was 3:33. This is the message that "333" is delivering:

“You are completely surrounded, protected, loved, and guided by the benevolent ascended masters.”

This is the web page from which I found that information.

Been gone for a while again.

Lots of stuff going on around the world!

Bradley Manning has been found not guilty of the most serious charge against him, but guilty of enough charges to possibly keep him incarcerated for over a century. I personally believe he should be pardoned, released, and allowed to go on with his life. In my mind, he's a hero.

Also, Robert Snowden has been granted asylum in Russia. I rejoice about this, and I pray that this next phase of his life will go on without a hitch and that he will find success in whatever he chooses to do.

Still plenty of unrest in the middle east. My primary focus over there is Palestine, with Egypt being a close second. However, there are many more--seems to me there are so many it's hard to keep track of them all. I don't mean to undermine the importance of any of them, though. To me--and this could be misconstrued--the fact that there is so much going on there is a good sign, that the people are waking up and striving for truth and justice. I don't like that there is so much bloodshed, however.

In my own life, I have lots of confusion and feel lost. I'm reading lots of stuff that say to be strong and wait, because major changes are ever so close. In my heart of hearts, I believe that to be absolutely true. However, there are so many challenges in my life right now--mostly about money, same as usual--and it's hard to be patient. I must say, though, that I'm finding that patience inside of me, and that is a wonder.

One of my Facebook friends made a really good point yesterday. I had made mention of the idea that I tend to start things but not finish them; I was saying this in response to a technique to help yourself get through these difficult times. My friend pointed out that perhaps those things aren't right for me and that I shouldn't stress about not following through. This really struck a cord for me. And too, it's not appropriate to judge (in this case, myself). So I should just let it go and proceed on with my life.